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About us

AOTV represents the act of allowing ourselves to feel those vibes that make us feel uncomfortable. Why is “Good Vibes Only” so popular amongst our generation? Would the “good vibes” exist without feelings of uncertainty and fear of the unknown every now and then? When we look back and think about moments of discomfort, a tremendous amount of growth, experience and strength came right after. Let yourself be human. That idea that we need to be positive and happy every single day is unrealistic and invalidating. Those vibes we often want to ignore or neglect bring with them something to teach us. They either teach us how to be better humans or even better: exactly how not to be.

At AOTV, we want to assist in providing unique accessories to make you company along the ride of becoming the better version of yourself. 

Let's link! Feel free to reach out for more info on our brand or for custom orders.